Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Can You Guess What Day It Is?

It's. Hump. Day.

We all know Wednesdays can be a struggle. We've made it through the ever-dreaded Monday but for some reason it's just not Friday quite yet. It's easy to get bogged down in the mid-week 'hump' and start dreaming of Friday afternoon when we can high tail it away from work and nap forever finally get to play after a hard week. But for the sake of our own sanity we've got to push through those last few days of the week.

What's getting me through this hump day?

Fakeup by Benefit
I swear Jesus hand-crafted this himself exclusively for Benefit. I have tried so many other under eye concealers and they either didn't work or left my skin so dry. Not only does it cover your under eye circles but is also hydrates your skin at the same time without caking or creasing. Seriously, just put some of this magic concealer under your eyes and no one will ever know you were compulsively doing paperwork and emailing until midnight (guilty as charged).

Starbucks Vanilla Machiatto
If you have not tried this new drink please run, don't walk, to your nearest Starbucks and try it. I am a total creature of habit and it took everything in my to stray from my standard skinny vanilla latte, but just trust me on this one y'all. You won't regret it. What better way to push through the rest of the week than heavily caffeinated? I can't think of anything better.

Flight Reservations
I have always been pretty independent and rarely get homesick but lately I have been missing my mom like crazy. Even though we have tons of work to do since this is my last real 'break' before the big move (more details on how I found an apartment later but here's a hint: sheer luck), knowing that I get to see her in a few short days is definitely some motivation to get over the mid-week slump. And how can you argue with a woman who serves you grilled cheese with extra cheese cut diagonally at the age of 23? It's simple, you can't.

New Books
I finally downloaded "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert B. Cialdini on my iPad after learning about his persuasion principles in an organizational behavior class in college. Cialdini is one of my favorite experimental social psychologists and I'm a self-admitted psychology nerd so I'm really excited for this new book and the opportunity to keep learning (and clearly become way more persuasive when bargaining with my parents on those shoes I obviously 'need').

What are some of the ways you get through the infamous "Hump Day"?

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