One of the things about my really cool job is that I am literally working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I hold meetings every single day and always like to make myself fully available to the chapters I work with. Even when I sleep I make sure my phone is nearby in case anyone needs anything (See goal #3)
But one thing I've learned over the past few months is to always make time for myself, however small the time may be. Something I've learned to cherish are my Sunday mornings. I typically take a stroll to the nearest coffee shop (meanwhile praying that a Starbucks is the nearest caffeine source) and take an hour to myself to breathe. I bring my iPad (which this morning was still thinking I was in central time zone, so it was actually 9:17 in the morning when I took this picture) and scroll mindlessly through Pinterest, read my devotional for the day, make sure my planner is filled out for the week, and usually call my mom (although I do this just about every single day).
It's taking little moments like this that help me keep my sanity. I have always been the type of person who gives a lot of myself to others and wants to make sure everyone else is taken care of before myself. But I've learned that you've got to take a few moments to breathe and put yourself first.
It's been remarkably warm in Colorado so this morning I enjoyed an iced coffee and my all-time favorite, a reduced fat turkey bacon breakfast sandwich (I consider it a great success when I manage to snag one of these before they run out). I didn't have as much time as I normally take because I could not bring myself to get out of bed thanks to my lost hour of sleep (daylight savings time, do less) but I still managed to take even a little time for myself before a day full of meetings.
What is your "Sunday Kind of Love"?
Look at you with your artsy photo ;-) Don't you love those quiet coffee shop moments to yourself? They can make any hectic week seem so much calmer!