Friday, March 14, 2014

Catch Ya Later, Colorado

Today I am headed home sweet home after a great week in Ft. Collins, Colorado with the Kappa Alpha chapter at Colorado State University. I admittedly had to look on a map to see where Colorado was actually located (raise your hand if you can relate to this in any way) and to be honest, I'm still not entirely sure. But what I do know is geographically it's one of the prettiest states I've been to and if I ever decide to take up skiing (but let's not get crazy here people) I will definitely be making my way back to Colorado.

Flying in to Denver I was met with a great view of the mountains. I'm not going to lie, I got a little worried when ALL I saw for the entire descent was the mountains, but then saw a hint of civilization, so I was cool with it. Denver is about an hour and a half from Ft. Collins so we had a bit of a drive left after I landed, but I tell you what, Ft. Collins is JUST as gorgeous as this.

I had a great time getting to support them at their annual dodge ball tournament. I clearly missed the memo on the "Think Pink" shirt and I tried to blend in with the crowd, but people kept asking me what part of Texas I was from. But hey, great turnout, a DJ playing some sick beats (they used this phrase, not me), and free burritos. I'll take the interrogation for a free burrito any day. AND they raised over $800 towards ZTA's national philanthropy, breast cancer education & awareness (shameless plug, check it out)

Now it's homeward bound to the land of the pines today! Catch ya later, Colorado and see you soon, North Carolina.

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